Friday, July 20, 2012

What it is.

Sometimes the day is just going to be what it is.

Yesterday, I spent over 14 hours babysitting. Woof.

Today, I'm spending 12 hours babysitting. Bah.

So this morning, I made banana muffins, mostly because I needed to start the day with some carbs with butter because I forgot this home doesn't support the intaking of coffee (massive headache + lack of sleep + children = I'll let you use your imainaton...).

I have a feeling today is just going to be what it is...

I'm wearing the same running shorts for the third day in a row. And, yes, I've slept in them too.

I danced through the kitchen and Cait said I looked silly. I told her I suppose I'll look silly no matter what, so I might as well dance.

I'm about to drink a Cherry Coke and it's only 9:45am.

I'm apparently Pinterest deprived because as I was reading a magazine I found myself trying to pin an outfit it advertized.

Today I will select my meal from the options of chicken nuggets, a hot dog, or a frozen pizza.

No make up. No shower. No hair brush.

No coffee.

And that is just what it is.


  1. I'm a complete stranger to you but I found your blog from Jill Barlow. This post is just too similar and how I feel lots of days of this summer nannying!! Seeking joy and strength through the mundane continual repetitive days with children that aren't mine!

    1. Katie, so glad Jill connected us in the virtual world :) Yes, nannying is one of those things that takes patience and chosen satisfaction in dayliness … but God is changing us (and hopefully the kiddos too!!) in the process. With Him it's ALWAYS worth it. :)


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