Saturday, January 11, 2014

A little update… 

1. Read Calvin's Institutes.
2. Start a sermon illustration file/collection.
3. Read my poetry in a public forum.
4. Try a daring haircut or color. 
5. Write an inspirational note and leave it in a library book for someone to find. 
6. Go to one new country. 
7. Sew an entire outfit.
8. Pay for a stranger's coffee.
9. Write letters of reflective gratitude to my parents.
10. Successfully match-make one couple.
11. Learn basic sign language. 
12. Barter with an antique vendor.
13. Read Dickinson's "the Belle of Amherst" at Emily's childhood home in Amherst, MA.
14. Preach a first person monologue. 
15. Participate in a protest.
16. Surprise my family for a weekend at home.
17. Run a half marathon.
18. Learn to play the ukulele. 
19. Give away 40 pieces of clothing.
20. Take a photography journalistic day trip to a new place by myself. 
21. Plan a day for just Jesus and me.
22. Swim in the ocean.
23. Follow college football for one season.
24. Give only homemade Christmas gifts. 
25. Find a favorite beer.
26. Take an East Coast friend to Jay's Dogs in Chicago.
27. Go one month makeup-free.
28. Complete five pinterest projects.
29. Get Kate to come to New England.
30. Live in Gloucester.
31. Learn to drive a stick shift.
32. Read 3 books off of Dr. deRossett's book list.
33. Publish an article in a magazine.
34. Become a member of a church.
35. Become an aunt.
36. Visit an artist colony.
37. Use all ten punches in my membership card at the rock climbing gym.
38. Learn to play poker.
39. Take a photography class.
40. Skinny dip. 
41. Make and elderly friend.
42. Become a regular at a coffee shop. 
43. Drink more water.
44. Read the news every morning.
45. Make friends with a kid. 
46. Send flowers to my sisters at their high school.
47. Learn how to link past blog posts in current ones.
48. Take Hemingway (my bike) on a Bostonian adventure.
49. Buy a killer pair of heels.
50. Learn to bake. Something. Anything. 
51. Defend a stranger against a rude one. 
52. Learn geography of Europe.
53. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
54. Learn to knit that winter hat I dreamed up. 
55. Take a day off. Just because.
56. Never say "I love you" unless I intentionally mean it. And I do. 
57. Write a letter to myself to open in 5 years.
58. Do a pull up.
59. Get a tattoo.
60. Spend more time talking to Jesus. 
61. Take a spontaneous road trip.
62. Have a reunion weekend with college friends.
63. Don't take food so seriously.
64. Be a better listener.
65. Shop less. 
66. Go to a fall festival.
67. Do a newborn photo shoot.
68. Make s'mores over a bonfire by the ocean.
69. Learn to make origami cranes. 
70. Write more notes.
71. Kayak (is that a verb? or is it "go kayaking"? hmmm.)
72. Finish the Psyche seasons. 
73. Find out my blood type.
74. Blog every day for a month. 
75. Compliment 10 strangers.
76. Go for a quiet nighttime walk while it’s snowing. 
77. Take one week off all social networking sites.
78. Believe that Jesus answers prayers. 
79. Send a care package to an unexpenctant freshman.
80. Write a memorial piece to Tonya Nicholson. 
81. Upgrade to a Cannon 7d.
82. Tell more knock knock jokes.
83. Anticipate Jesus coming back.
84. Grow a plant from seed. 
85. Read T.F. Torrance on the Incarnation. 
86. Make a recipe collection.
87. Ask grandma Gilbaugh about her childhood. 
88. Do a photo shoot fundraiser. 
89. Find a mentor.
90. Learn to make hammered jewelry.
91. Re-learn how to snow ski. 
92. Memorize the book of James.
93. Make a quilt.
94. Listen to others' opinion without giving mine.
95. Meet with each professor once each semester. 
96. Go to a drive-in movie.
97. Make more non-seminary friends. 
98. Read poetry aloud before bed. 
99. Pray for the persecuted Church every day.
100. Buy and use two pieces of camping equipment. 
101. Inspire one other person to do a 101 in 1001.

1 comment:

  1. I started whole30 today...and was setting goals last night. I'm going to make a list like this. Maybe it will help me to love where I'm at, even though it's the midwest :)

    Thanks friend, for the inspiration.


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